一、 展会时间:2023年7月26日-27日
二、 展会地点:印度 新德里 Pragati Maidan Hall 8,9,10
三、 展品主题分类:
●The Government of India has announced a 2022–23 defence budget of INR 5.25 trillion (USD70.2 billion), an increase of almost 10% over the initial allocation in 2021–22 with special emphasis on improving border infrastructure, Army, Naval & Air Force Modernization.
●The Government of India has allocated Rs 26,275 Crore for Modernization of Police & Central Armed Paramilitary Forces.
●India is the second largest defence importer behind Saudi Arabia making up 9.2% of global arms import.
●India still largest arms importer, spent more than $100 billion in last 10 years: SIPRI
●India is upgrading forces by heavily buying of Modern Weapons, Ammunition, Ries, Sniper Ries, Communication, Missile Systems, Warning and Radar Systems etc.
●Government has also launched various initiative like Make in India, Digital India, Smart Cities with the primary goal of making India a global manufacturing hub, by encouraging both multinational as well as domestic companies to manufacture & supply their products.
此展由印度研究基金主办,是印度该领域较具*的非营利性研究机构,展会由专业的Nexgen Exhibitions承办,该展会是印度、南亚地区较大规模装备专业展览会,通过该展会平台的优势,为致力于开拓印度市场的中国以及国际展商提供机会与平台。